These include:
Consultancy Service: Undertaking a wide range of training related projects, such as strategic business management audits, sales resource audits, sales force health checks, design and implementation of HR processes and procedures, construction of job descriptions, design of appraisal systems, mystery shopper, and co-ordination and management of assessment centres.
Performance Profiling: A wide range of tests can be provided and administered.
Managed Training Service: Sourcing and vetting of training courses not offered by Spearhead Training, such as IT training. This service is often used when we work in partnership with our in company clients on more extensive development programmes.
Kindle E-books: A series of self-development training books written by various Spearhead tutors are available as kindle downloads.
Spearhead Training Gulf: This is a subsidiary of the UK company and provides similar courses throughout the Middle East, India and South Africa. To contact them directly please visit the Contact Us page on this website
Venue Finding Service: We offer a training venue sourcing and booking service for our in company clients. We can provide recommendations, or source a training venue for the training we deliver for you based on your budget and logistical constraints.
If you would like any further details of these services please contact us on +44(0)1608 644144