- everything you need to know about finance for the non specialist
A 2-day in-company course
Your managers, marketing and sales people can be even more effective when they haveĀ a better understanding of the commercial considerations that interact with their own discipline.
This in-company programme is for those who are not financial specialists. It is ideal for those who recognise the benefit of understanding how the financial side of the business operates but are confused by the jargon and conventions.
The programme is designed to achieve two aims: firstly to sweep away the mysteries of financial jargon; secondly, to translate the formats and conventions of financial information making them easy to understand. It takes a practical, pragmatic view of money matters. We will translate the jargon, conventions and formats of accounting so that they become useful tools for you. Interesting case studies and practical exercises, reinforced by tutor led discussions, form an important part of this programme.
It is an in-depth course suitable for your managers or sales and marketing professionals who need to really understand finance so that they make better business decisions.
What they will get from attending:
- An in depth understanding of business finance, including the jargon that surrounds it
- The ability to read behind the accounts and use financial tools to analyse the data
- Confidence to form judgements and make decisions based on financial information
Testimonials for Financial Awareness
"I feel as though I understand balance and forecast sheets much more!" DR, Kudos Blends
"One of the best training course I have been on. An A+ trainer." NL, Omega Pharma
"Very good course. Very informative and presented in a practical and easy to understand way." AD, Unifrax Ltd
"The tutor was patient and has excellent delivery." RW, RM Plc
"Tutor's method and manner are fantastic. Educational and fun course." LB, Magna
Enquiry Form
To enquire about running this course for your people, please use the enquiry form: