Each of the open business skills courses offered by Spearhead Training has been developed to help delegates excel at that particular discipline and so improve business performance. They cover a range of core skills needed by nearly all job roles. Like all of our open courses, they are run with small numbers by our own tutors who are not only experts in the discipline they teach but also passionate about helping each delegate on an individual basis. This approach ensures our business courses are truly career enhancing.
Our open business skills courses vary from half to one day in duration and can be booked on the dates specified on the individual programme details page. If you would like any advice on choosing the most suitable course for you please contact us on +44(0)1608 644144 we are always happy to help.
If you have four or more people that have the same development requirements, it is worth considering delivering an in-house programme which can be delivered either at a location convenient to you or at one of our training centres. This way you can train a number of people at the same time and, in most cases, at less than the cost of sending them on the equivalent open business skills course. Find out more about in-company delivery by clicking here
If you have a range of training requirements and are planning to book a number of places, we have an excellent discount scheme available. Please contact us and we will provide you with a quote based on the total volume and mix of training you are looking to place with us.
Need More Help?
If you would like to discuss any aspect of our service, your requirements and programme suitability, please contact us on +44(0)1608 644144. Alternatively you can email us at info@spearhead-training.co.uk
You may also find this video guide on why train your employees helpful:
Attending any one of the business skills courses on this page is a highly cost effective way of enhancing the effectiveness of your personnel. They are considered ‘core’ in that almost all employees will benefit from them, such as effective written communication skills. We also have more specialised workshops for specific requirements, such as assertiveness skills.
They can be taken in isolation, or they can be combined with other programmes from either the management courses or the sales courses sections to create your own personal development training programme. This flexible approach ensures you get the business skills training you need.
Our business skills courses utilise a range of learning methods to develop delegate’s knowledge, confidence and skills. We work tirelessly on developing material which is second to none in the market place. We have a process of continuous improvement and quality control of everything that we deliver. This also includes our tutors who are experience and highly trained people that are skilled at developing others. We appreciate your trust in choosing us and we want to repay this by helping your people develop to their full potential, that's why we limit delegate numbers on each event. This maximum varies depending on the nature of the subject. Our aim is to ensure all delegates attending receive individual trainer attention.
Each programme or workshop starts with a short introduction and overview which include the aims and objectives. This is followed by a review of delegate’s objectives to help to provide a focus for the tutor as they work to fulfill the needs of the delegates. The material is delivered in an interactive style and our tutors utilise many accelerated learning techniques. Each session aims to work round the key areas of the learning cycle such as: understanding of the subject with background, reasons why and benefits, the techniques to implement, the chance for the delegates to practice and consider how to assimilate into their own style, and with review including feedback and agreement of best practice.
We have a strategy of high performance learning to get the most out of people. We therefore make our courses highly supportive and also challenging. A series of specially designed learning aids have been developed for all subjects such as: individual and group exercises relating to real life situations and challenges, case studies, self-assessment questionnaires, learning games, and, where relevant, practice using role-play. During the sessions if delegates do not fully understand or if they are unsure how it relates to their situation their tutor will support them in understanding and applying the learning points.
Delegates will, therefore, experience training that is interesting and engaging, requiring a lot of participation as well as being thought provoking. Yes it will be challenging at times, but it will also be mixed with fun and moments of humour. Delegates leave with an enhanced understanding of the subject, higher levels of confidence, improved ability and skills and with numerous ideas, tools, techniques and actions to implement in the work place to improve business performance.
Post-training support is included, as we extend our service to beyond the class room. Delegates who have attended a particular workshop can use our support helpline which is staffed by expert tutors that can answer any additional questions they have regarding the programme that they have attended. These queries often range from clarification, to reviewing the application in the work place and help with successful implementation of the ideas and techniques learned. Very often delegates seek a second opinion in regard to action plans and work they have undertaken or plan to carry out. In addition, each delegate receives comprehensive support materials which contains detailed reference notes of all the subjects covered. They will also have a series of hand-outs which form a work book, as well as copies of the key slides used during the sessions. Delegates also receive high quality certificates of attendance.
Spearhead Training has an enviable track record in providing programmes which is reflected in the loyalty of our customers. Our repeat business rate is greater than 90% - Proof if ever there was, that we make a positive impact in the work place. We therefore guarantee quality of our business training.
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