Appraisal Skills For Managers

Constant communication between the manager and their team members about targets and expectations is becoming increasing important appraising performancefor successful professional team work.

Having regular discussions about your team members’ performance against the targets and standards required for the job sets clear expectations and improves the working atmosphere.

Conducting such an appraisal requires the manager to have good planning and feedback skills. An appraisal skills training course can be useful to ensure such skills are up to date, but here are some tips:

The following are important criteria for your discussions with your people; they will help to improve the quality of the communication you have:

1. The appraisal meeting should always be held by the team member’s immediate line manager, as they are the person who carries the responsibility for the outcome of the discussion.

2. Involvement and two way communication at an appraisal meeting is improved when both parties have prepared for it. So the team member can prepare for the meeting, the time and content of the appraisal should be made known to them two to three weeks beforehand.

3. Allocate at least an hour for each appraisal discussion you hold. Allowing enough time ensures the meeting is as stress-free as possible, and this also means you should make sure that there are no visits or telephone interruptions during this time.

4. Every team member is entitled to have SMART goals set for them. Part of the line manager’s preparation, alongside reviewing the person’s personnel file should also be considering ways in which corporate goals can be transformed into individual goals.

5. The results of appraisal meetings with your people must be written up, using the corporate forms if there is a company-wide appraisal system. If not, then write them up as if they were the minutes of a meeting and both you and the team member sign them. This documentation will then become part of that person’s personnel file.

Having guidelines helps to guarantee that every team member is dealt with equally and that everyone knows what to expect in their appraisal meeting. Most companies publish such guidelines, but if your company doesn’t then consider writing these yourself. Appraisal skills training will help to identify the components of an effective performance review meeting.